

灵魂洁癖 |爱慕虚荣、贪图享乐|Front-end Developer 🇨🇳

Catfish Weekly | Issue 2 - Learn to Ignore

Cover of this issue: Eating watermelon in an air-conditioned rental house in the scorching sun.

Learn to ignore, ignore the internet, ignore the news, ignore all kinds of happy or sad events around you.

Otherwise, you won't be able to think independently and will always be overwhelmed by various ideas, realities, and disparities. In the end, you can only struggle and drift in the game set by the powerful.

Ignore all of this, let go of burdens that don't belong to you, stop meaningless internal conflicts, perhaps it is a timely stop-loss.

Even occasional relaxation can loosen the tight shackles, give yourself some breathing space, and adjust the downhill state in a timely manner.

Explore yourself in the midst of busyness!

Nothing new this week, just stealing leisure in the midst of busyness.

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